Friday, March 11, 2011

Well howdee ho people!

Good weekend of rugby, missed most of the games live but thanks to PVR and BBM Forums where i was getting regular updates of the Lions v Blues game :)

Interesting round it was. The Crusaders started off as was expected very flat and not there, but with a little help from the ref who kept them in the game through DC's boot. the Tahs were lucky in the lead up to Burgess' try because Turner picked up the ball from an offsides position but ey i guess you win some you lose some. The first 25 minutes or so was all the Tahs, Crusaders passes were going astray. I have always said SBW's long game is a little suspect but his short As i have said before, I am not sure he deserves the hype he is getting at the moment (not that he is asking for it) potential...plenty and i would rather have him on my side than against me, but i believe Fruean is a more complete footballer at the moment as too is Treeby of the Highlanders, Luke McAlistar even Tana in his young age :). The SBW and Fruean combo in midfield will terrorise many a opposition. Matt Todd was another who impressed me, boy is fast, low and hard! Pity he has Richie in front of him because he is a talent. For the Tahs Halangahu was a joke at 10, their scrum was properly schooled. It was quite sad to see the front runners in the tournament look so ordinary.

Lions v Blues, The Lions are due a win i have been saying this for the last 2 weekends, didnt want their win to come last weekend though because you all know the French-like(unpredictable) Blues have been my side since Super Rugby began. I know a lot of you dont believe Jantjes has what it takes to be at the top level, but he did a lot of things right particularly in the first half his kicking was good too this week. He is small yes, but so too is o'Connor and look at how he turned out. I think he will get there if he believes in himself and in Carlos and Mitch he has 2 mentors that will help him with that. I like Doppies, i know many people dont like him but he had a pretty good game last weekend and Waylon is looking like the player he once was at the Sharks. Their loose forwards Whitely and Strauss in particular are pretty darn good, tackling, running and just being there all the time and well done to Bandise for moving over. I think they did enough to win that game, but there was one master stroke that swung it in the Blues favour. The use of hungry youngsters first and then the old heads in the last 20 or so minutes. A player who has really impressed me for the Blues is Jared Payne. Payno's linking with Rooster Ranger just like they do in Northland is sublime. Its also pleasing to see Isaiah and Joe playing some good footy. Welcome back Luke 10 or 12 you just keep playing like you did young man.

Wasnt it good to see the old man Tana turning back the clock. The Chiefs showed glimpses of how good they could be. Nanai Williams, Masaga and Sivivatu can you ask for a more potent back 3? I like Donald but i would prefer Delaney at the moment as well as kerr-Barlow at no 9. The Rebels will be a good side i honestly believe it. They just need more time together and get the trust going on defence, because they looked out of sorts on the weekend.

Other than what i saw on SSBlitz, i didnt catch any of the Brumbies Reds game, but how does a team score 4 tries to 1 and lose?? yes they infringed in the killzone, but i dont know so much ey?!

Sharks are looking the business. Loving their forwards but i still think Bismarck and his brother are liabilities. Dr Du Plessis telling Pocock i am going to break your neck, i mean really? but that aside, the Forces over physicality was unnecessary. I think out of all the South African teams they have the most balanced loose trio. Alberts the bruiser flanked by Kanko and Keegans flair and open play. Their tight five sets the platform up front and provides go forward ball which makes Mcloeds job so much easier and makes Lambie shine like he is. the centres are random and the back 3 able, but their game is won up front. it will be interesting to see when they come up against a pack that is equally physical and doesnt make mistakes like the Blues.

Stormers v Cheetahs - U S E L E S S game!

Then there was the biggest upset of the weekend. Well, i was having a conversation with a mate of mine before i wrote the blog saying that i wasnt too convinced that the Bulls will win, because if their pack is matched they are clueless (highlanders showed it last year) but then i thought about it, long travel, they were playing at the NG Kerk, even though the Bulls have been poor thus far, their first home game would g them up and the no name brand Highlanders would try hard but may just fall wrong was i and the rest of the world!! bigup to them!! The Bulls are soo predictable! Stegman, I cant believe someone pays him money?!! he is foolish! another useless guy is meisie kind, really had he passed the ball in the last movement, they could have had a draw, not that they deserved it. For the Highlanders, Sean Treeby, Adam Thomson, Kade Poki, Jamie Mackintosh have been absolutely superb, but the whole team is just special. Everyone is waiting for the rising rollercoaster to fall, but hopefully they prove their doubters wrong and keep pulling off such great performances! Jamie Mackintosh got away with murder when he knocked the ball out of FdP's hand, but all in all i think the refs had shockers throughout the weekend. Jonathan Kaplan was poor, Pollock was random and so too Stuey!

This weekends games

Crusaders v Brumbies, looking forward the the centre matchup between SBW & Robbie against Coleman and Adam Ash, brawn v fleet footedness. DC against Gits Crusaders pack v Brumbies pack. this will be the decider. If the saders bully the Brumbies pack like they did the Tahs, its going to be a tough night out for the Brumbies. I will go with the home team for this one, but it wont be as easy as many think.

Rebels v Sharks, big games from Bismarck, Alberts, Lambie and Mvovo. Rebels will be up for this game. morts will have one of his better games. In the past he has been a player who rises to a challenge and playing against the Sharks is a bigger challenge i am sure than playing the Chiefs, no disrespect to the Chiefs but they have been perenial under-performers over the last few years. If Morts gets charged, look out for Cipriani and Shepard alongside and behind him. Once again its up front that the game will be decided and the signs show that it will be Sharks 6 Rebels 0.

Stormers v Highlanders...Stormers will up their game, they have to because they have stolen 2 wins so far and they know it. But i guess its against the Lions and the Cheetahs, 2 of South Africas weaker franchises, so i am sure it was hard for them to get up for the games. Ordinarily this would be another game they woudl take lightly but alas the Highlanders are topping the NZ conference and have taken the scalp of the much vaunted Bulls team. If you had to compare the teams man for man, i am sure 85% would favour the Stormers players. The only Highlanders players that would make it would possibly be Mackintosh, Rutledge, Thomson, Cowan and Poki. But there is very little substitute for heart and hard hard work. Its a tough call. If the Highlanders havent been caught up in the euphoria of their win last weekend and if they arent too tired, they will be very competitive. i dont see the Stormers being as poor as they have been. They have brought in Duvenhage and Gio so quick ball and fleet footedness. Its a tough call and even though the Stormers are at home i am going to go with my gut which i didnt last weekend and i will call the Highlanders

Force v Blues, please oh please Blues break this win lose win lose pattern they have developed. its a bit of a tough draw for them ey, come here play sharks, then up to the highveld and play the Lions, then off to Perth to play the Force...yikes. Man for man the Blues are a stronger side, i dont think even one Force team would make it if a comparison of the 2 teams was performed. but there is a long travel to take into consideration. There is the history of the Blues to consider. But the Blues have what it takes. Strike power out back, a near AB pack and a very competent bench. Logic says Blues by a few, but lets see

Cheetahs v Lions, hoping this is an entertaining game. both teams like to give the ball air. both teams are vying for their first win. I am calling the Lions on this based on the fact that they should have won the first 3 games they have played after being ahead in all of them in the closing stages. Lions by a few. Only derby of the weekend so plenty skop skiet and donder...lekker

Happy viewing

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