Friday, March 4, 2011

Super rugby week 3

Hey guys and gals

A tad late this week. Last weekend was absolutely shocking for me with my Super Bru picks. Totally got the games wrong, not by much except the Sharks v Blues game which i was way off. Once again it was only the Warratahs that managed a 4 try win. They really do look like the team to beat in their conference, only team showing some sort of consistency and ability. The others Reds, Brumbies and Rebels have been poor to say the least. In the other conferences, the most impressive team in South Africa at the moment for me is the Sharks, the brand of rugby they are playing with a bunch of no names, their desire on defence and their belief in their ability, which was very evident in the last few minutes of their game against the Stormers where they built phase upon phase, worked their way upfield but unfortunately were unable to capitalise...story of their season thus far. In NZ, the conference leaders the Highlanders are the form side without a doubt, they are exactly the same as the Lions in SA, loads of heart and execution and they play as a team. Its early days yet, but they are looking hot, their only achilles heel is their lack of depth. One or 2 more injuries and they are done. they are now importing 36 year old journeymen to plug their flyhalf berth!

Disappointments for me thus far are the Blues, Reds and the Chiefs. All three teams promise so much but yet deliver such random pot shots. I am a Blues fan, always been, but their inconsistency drives me insane. if you look at the calibre of player they have on that field, i mean the run on pack it was only Lowrey who wasnt/hasnt an All black. In the backline Stephen Brett and Jarred Payne so out of the run on 15...13 past or present All Blacks, but the inconsistency of their performances kills me. Yes they tried, but losers try...It wasnt because they were pummeled by a better team, no no, they beat themselves, handling errors, yes the weather was shoddy, but there were 2 teams playing in the same conditions so i cant understand. And then the Reds, the Quade Cooper step and flair has been nowhere, thats because Will Genia hasnt got much quality ball and thats because the forwards have been under the pump hard! We all know the game is won or lost upfront. Also whats happening now is that defences are closing down Quade, so none of that razzle dazzle stuff. The Chiefs...i say no more, just shake my head, thats all. S M H!!!

This weekends games. Big respect to the Highlanders for turning over the the Chiefs, no one gave them much of a chance but they gave themselves plenty. Jamie Makintosh seemed properly injured and he soldiered on, Adam Thompson, fell on his head, but he shook it off and soldiered on! They believe in their coach and each other and it shows. They were good value for their win.

The Brumbies, i am not in that team environment, but they seem like a bunch of prima-donnas, this is the second time they have had a big fall out with their coaching staff. Think the first was Nucifora. Anyway i am glad the Rebels got their first win. JK did help them though because that penalty was a joke at best, but so too was their missed forward pass that lead to the Brumbies last try. Hope it gives their season some momentum because the Oz conference games are sooo pap, they dont have the intensity of the SA or NZ ones. I think its a ploy from the Australians to nulify the treats posed by the Boks and All Blacks come Tri Nations and All Blacks come world cup and then all they have to do is waltz through the Northern hemisphere teams and the Pacific Islanders.

My 2 favourite games of the weekend was between the Bulls and Cheetahs and Stormers and Lions. Both my teams lost though, but alas, they were very competitive games. The Cheetahs should have closed the game down. Pity they have lost Juan Smith, but liked Ashley Johnson, always have, he is hard, fast and hardworking. He needs some refinement, but i would even go as far as saying i rate him over Pierre Spies...currently. I know he is SA's points machine, but sheesh Morne Steyn is arb! Sideshow Bob (Zane) on the other hand has been having a good season though, i like the way he joins the line, his defence and at most times his positional play. The Bulls should have been dead and burried, but i guess a sign of a champion side is their ability to find that last push when all seems lost. The Lions, the Lions the Lions, second weekend where they have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. how many points were left on the field? kicking for posts was woeful, but other than that, it was such a polished performance by them. Its only a matter of time they get a win...i really hope its not this weekend though :) but i am loving the Lions.

This weekend
We see the Saders against the Tahs, i have already seen this game and I called the Saders by a few, didnt think they would win by so much. Granted the ref helped them out with a few gimme penalties in the first 15 min. I just knew they would rally to give the people back in ChCh something to smile about

Lions v Blues
I am very worried about this game. i am loving the Lions brand of rugby and the team, i mean Carlos is their assistant coach and if you know me you know Carlos and the Blues are my guys :) but, first things first. The Blues need this too the Lions. The Blues have made some big changes for this game. looking forward to seeing mr unlucky Luke McAlistar starting his first game of the season. I think he is the best understudy to DC in NZ (if he can stay injury free) well him and Colin Slade. they have given a whole name of no names a start, look out for Sherwin Stowers, if he gets good ball in space, watch out. The coaching staff is smart. The travel and altitude has meant that they have put their big guns on the bench for a little bit of impact come minute 60 or so, lets hope they dont have to come on earlier because the guys are struggling. It will be a good game. weather in Jozi is conducive for good running rugby and both teams want to run. Watch the Lions try and move the Blues around to test out their lungs. Blues by just a few

Chiefs v Rebels
In an ideal world, i would call Chiefs, no problems, but eish this Chiefs team. I see Tana is back pity not at 13 against Morts. I would have kept Delaney at 10 instead of Donald, because he had a good game. Would also have left Kerr-Barlow on at 9 as well he had a good game, kept the opposition guessing. Looking forward to Sivivatu scoring a few, cos he is in my fantasy league team :) The Rebels i dont know what to say about them. They are an efficient side, do the basics and have a good system. The kicking game seems to suit Cipriani well, but i want to see more of his passing game. Chiefs to take this one...we hope

Brumbies v Reds

Brumbies have a new coach in their defence coach. The Reds coming off a shocker last week. Both teams will be looking to put together a good spirited performance. I am just a little concerned that Quade will try and be an individual to try and get his no 10 jersey back and thus disadvantage his team. The Reds have some injuries notably Horwill and Heynes. Watch the Brumbies youngsters of Speight and Coleman. Gits is looking like his old self again in the no 10. Even though they had a bit of off field drama, i think they will get away here the Brumbies and they are at home.

Force v Sharks.

O'Connor v Lambie. I know the whole of SA loves Pat Lambie, i think he is good but i dont see him as being better than Jantjes. He has a more powerfull forward pack that gives his scrummy good ball thus he too gets good ball. His goal kicking is better than Jantjies' but a flyhalf is more than place kicks. As an overall player, O'Connor may have his number here, but i think that may be the only place the Sharks lose their pack is monstrous, too much mongrel upfront and bruisers in the loose trio. The travel may be a factor in the last 20 minutes or so, but then Plum will clear his bench and bring some Boks on and bye bye Force. It will be a close match on the scoreboard, but on the field i think the Sharks will dominate. Sharks to sneak home though.

Stormers v Cheetahs
Stormers would have gotten most of the cobwebs out of the system, and will be a better side this weekend. the Cheetahs will soldier on valiantly but in the end the princess will go home with the men in blue and white. I am looking forward to the game though. if there is no rain down in the Cape it should be another game with 2 willing parties who want to give the ball some air. The Stormers forward will however be too strong for the Cheetahs pack. Actually if you had to compare man for man, i cant think of a position where they Stormers will be worse than the Cheetahs. Stormers dont have Jacques, but as a creator i like Juan, so they havent lost too much. I know bok fans think Schalla is the bees knees, but i dont think his loss will be that greatly felt, they have Flouw, Plouw and Duane who did well for them last year! Cheetahs are without Juan, even though it didnt look like it last week, they have lost much....Stormers to blow my other SA side away... :(

Bulls v Highlanders

Could the Landers cause this weekends upset (if the Lions dont, but wait if the Lions win is it an upset? because a lot of people are saying that it is a possibility) anyway back to the Bulls. They have been pretty random till now BUUUUTTTT, they have still won both matches, away from fort Loftus nogal. Ok wait its not gonna happen for the Landers. I like the Highlanders plenty, love it when the underdog prospers, ala Ireland over England, but i think (hope not) that this will be a mountain too high. They have just made the long journey over here, playing at altitude, against a very efficient, yet boring Bulls side. This up and under story has to go really, i dont understand why they keep doing that??!! I am hoping for a Highlanders win but if i was betting id back the Bulls at fort Loftus.

How was the English win over the French last weekend? As arb as they English are they just seem to building themselves into competitive contention for the RWC 2011. I thought the French would roll them up in their rizzla and smoke them, but ey what do i know

Happy viewing people, thoughts still go out there to the people of Christchurch, hope this mornings win gives you guys all more strength!


1 comment:

  1. Good wrap up Yawzie.

    Must disagree with you on one of the du Plessis bros, Bismack. I think he has cleaned up his act since coming back from injury. He plays hard but within the laws. Should look over at the Bulls camp (Stegmann) for serious transgressors.
