Friday, April 1, 2011

Super rugby - week 7

What a weekend of rugby last weekend was ey....had the Hurricanes blowing themselves off the field, had the Stormers scoring tries and then the Crusaders having one of the most clinically freakish halves of rugby I have ever viewed!

Good morning all,

Let me start off with a gripe quickly. I just watched Boots and All and the way the guys are going on about that SBW attempted tackle...i shake my head! They compared that incident to Bakkies cleaning out of Duvenhage the week before. Guys please!!! cant even compare those 2 incidents. Had he been cited I would have not batted an eye lid because yes he lead with a shoulder but replays show that his left arm was around Kanko's body, but his right arm was not. The incident was made worse by the fact that DC had him low. BUT its in no way comparable to the tackle on Dewald, its a good thing that guy is fit because he was in a headlock and dropped onto the ground with Bakkies 110kg odd frame right on top of him, that my friends is career ending stuff!! But its funny how no one is saying anything about Kegan Daniels in minute 71odd drops the ball and then leads in with his elbow into Kahn Fotuali's throat? but alas, lets not split hairs here.

I wont go into all the individual games from the week before. I will just talk about the Saders game quickly. I havent been the biggest fan of this SBW hype, he is a good player and he has plenty potential. He his big, strong, fast and direct and that miracle offload sets him apart from his peers, but as i have said before his long game...eish ek weet nie!! but what he has going for him is DC on his inside and Freuan on his outside. On Sunday DC had one of his best games in any jersey. DC looks like he just plays within himself a lot but on sunday he was keen to do everything, kick, run, distribute, he helped SBW's game plenty. The Sharks came in for much stick that game especially John Smit, but people, Jannie was popped alot. the Saders 8 were better than the Sharks 8 thats that. It wasnt John's fault to be honest i think Jannie is a liability as a scrumager too. A lot of people were on Kanko and Keegans case as well, but in my mind they were the Sharks most creative players, they soldiered on valiantly the whole game and i think its largely because of their attitude the sharks were able to make a game of it. it was a very entertaining game because the ground was firm, the teams had the right attitude and the ref was anonymous (he let a lot go both ways, but it made for a good spectacle.

This weekends games
Landers v Brumbies
Looking forward to Colin's first game back. Landers have come back from a weekend off, hopefully refreshed but with the same intensity from the first few weeks. Brumbies are misfiring and need a big game. This is a good test of where both teams are...Brumbies if they are title contenders or Highlanders if they really have turned the corner or if the first few weeks were a flash in the pan. Calling the Highlanders, because they are at home and i think as a unit they are a better prospect

Tahs v Chiefs
Chiefs are due a big game. They arent playing at home. They are generally better away from home as well. Tahs have got a new flyhalf in Beale. Not the best defender as the first line of defence. So watch the loosies attack his channel. Tahs have Waugh back and he will be annoying. Both teams need this game to get their season on track. I think the Chiefs need it more desperately but will they play as such. My heart thinks the Chiefs will pitch up but my head eish she says its going to be the more of the same erratic stuff from the CHiefs

Blues v Cheetahs
Blues unless they loose their mind again like they can

Canes v Bulls
Bulls need this game, Canes even more. Canes are at home, Bulls dont travel too well. Canes should sneak in

Force v Rebels
who cares?? But i will say Force

Lions v Reds
Oh my dear Lions why have you forsaken me?? So much promise but more of the same it seems. I know they dont have the players but what i like about Mitch is unlike PdV, he is convinced the players will be able to play this expansive game he wants them to play. Doppies taking over as captain shouldnt disturb them too much, they seem to be a unit that works for and supports each other. The Reds are looking hot at the moment, but its the Highveld. they have just travelled far. They have a good coach that will keep them focused. they have a good forward pack and an explosive backline as was evidenced last weekend. heart Lions, but everything else in the universe says Reds, in Superbru, went with heart, hoping but i know the Reds will take it.

Sharks v Stormers
game of the weekend! Duane v Kanko, pity Lambie isnt playling cos i was looking forward to him v Grant. In my mind Peter Grant is currently SA's best flyhalf by a long way. he just seems so composed. He has the best kicking record of all the flyhalves (why do you need Morne) he can tackle (why do you need Morne) gets his backs moving, passes....etc!! I think the Sharks forwards wont be as poor as they were last week. but the Stormers have a great unit. so it will be a good scrap up front. Backs the Stormers are a muuuuch better unit than the Sharks, from 9-10 and 12-15 :) man for man you would pick the Stormers players over the Sharks. Stormers have the best defence of all the teams. They can def score tries, they have everything going for them. The Sharks have travelled far, come home, flown to London, come back. They are tired. but they lost 2 games and they are home they will get up for this, they will win

Happy viewing


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